I wrote this tutorial using PSPX2 and Animations Shop 3
Due to my limited time, this tutorial will be written for those with a working knowledge of PSP.
I am using the awesome work of Keith Garvey. You must have a license to use his art. You can purchase his art at PTE
I am using a gorgeous kit by Tamie, called Evil Queen, and you can purchase it at Dreams-N-Digital
I am using template 132 by Punky Butts
Mask used is one that I made and you can get it here
Plug-ins Used:
Xero/ Porcelain & Radiance
Xenofex2/Constellation & Electrify
dsb flux/Bright Noise
Tramages/Tow The Line
Font used:
Haunted Mouse Alt
Remember to save often!!
**c&p=Copy and Paste As New Layer
**When working with duplicate layers, I always refer to them as 1st, 2nd, 3rd…and so on, working from the bottom up.
I usually keep my Drop Shadows on separate layers until I am done (or close to it anyways) just in case I want to switch something up
Open the template, duplicate and close the original. Resize to 600 pixels wide
Resize canvas to 800X700
Activate the Background layer, make it visible and flood fill with white
Delete small circle dots
Tubes: c&p all 3 images; mirror main tube, position to liking; arrange large CU below small circle frame; rotate medium CU 10o Left and arrange below the left square frame, position to liking, duplicate and mirror.
With your Magic Wand select the transparent area to each corresponding background and hit Delete on your keyboard.
Activate the small circle CU and apply Xero>Radiance with default settings; Blend mode: Luminance Legacy; Opacity: 85%
Apply Xero Porcelain to the left and the right square tubes with these settings
Reduce Opacity to 70%
Select the papers of your choice for the Large circle, left and right rectangles, left and right large squares.
Activate right black square, rotate 10o Left, select the square with your Magic Wand and apply Tow The Line with these settings
Select None and Rotate 10o Right, Duplicate, Mirror and arrange above left square, Delete original left square
Apply Bright Noise set at 50 to all of the frames
From Tamies Evil Queen Kit
frame: c&p, Resize 50%, position over small circle, apply Brightness and Contrast both at 5.
ribboneyelets: c&p, Rotate 10o Left, position over the left side of the small square and large square (see image). With you Lasso, select the extra ribbon and Delete. Duplicate and mirror
swirl: c&p, Apply Brightness and Contrast with the same settings, Resize 75%, position at the bottom of the large circle frame
sparkle: c&p, Resize 80%, Rotate 15o Left, position at bottom left of left large square, duplicate mirror and position at top right corner of right large square
demonskull: c&p, Resize 40%, Rotate 15o Left, apply Brightness and Contrast both at 15, position over top left corner of left large frame
roses: c&p, Rotate 120o Right, Resize 50%, position at the top of the large circle frame, duplicate and mirror
spiderweb: c&p, position at bottom right, arrange just above the background, duplicate, mirror and flip
spider: resize 20%, rotate 15o right and position to liking on web.
Mask: open the mask and minimize. Activate the background layer and c&p a paper and resize 115% or Open New Raster Layer and flood fill with a color of your choice. Right click on the layer over in the layers palette and scroll up to New Mask Layer>From Image and select the mask from the drop down menu Right click on one of the layers in the group, scroll to Merge>Merge Group. I applied Gaussian Blur set at 4, you may or may not wish to do so.
Name: I just positioned it where I wanted it and added drop shadows both directions. I try to keep the names simple when there are so many layers.
Now that we have the basics of our design all put together, find a good place to add the copyright and your license number.
I suggest that you position it in a manner that it cannot be removed or tampered with, without being obvious.
Now Let’s Animate
If you want Drop Shadows, add them now; you will not need a Drop Shadow on the word art. Make sure that the shadow/s are on a separate layer for the main tube (I did not add any shadow to the large circle dots. If you do, put them on a separate layer too).
Activate your large circle dots, Select>All, Select>Float, Select Defloat, multiply 11X. Activate the first layer and apply Constellation with these settings
Repeat for the 2nd through the 12th layers, clicking on Random Seed for each layer, Select>None
Activate the main tube layer; grab your Magic Wand with these settings
and select random areas of the belt buckle. Mine looked like this
Duplicate this layer 11X. Activate the first layer and apply constellation with these settings
Repeat for the 2nd through the 12th layers, clicking on Random Seed for each layer, Select>None
Grab your Lasso tool with these settings
select a small portion of the top of the pitch fork like this
Activate the 1st layer again; apply dsb flux>Electrify with these settings
I applied this effect to the last 5 layers (clicking on Random Seed for each new layer); it might look cool with all of the layers, I’m not sure. Play with it and see what you like best.
Activate the “Wicked” word art layer and Merge Down to the “Intentions” layer. Using the Manual Color Correction change the color Source: #ffffff, Target: #9d171b. Duplicate; activate the 1st layer and apply Gradient Glow with these settings, over in the color tab, just change the color to black
Activate the 2nd layer. Select>All, Select>Float, Select>Defloat, Merge Down, Duplicate 11X, activate the 1st layer and apply Bright Noise with these settings
Clicking on Mix 2X for the 2nd through the 12th layers
Merge together all of the non animated layers between the animated layers and duplicate 11X; you should have 12 layers of each group now. Make sure all of your layers are visible before you crop, so that you don’t cut off some of your electrify effect.
Activate your 1st background layer (the very bottom layer in your layers palette), right click, View>Current Only
Now, make ONLY the 1st layer of each group visible, right click on your visible background layer, Merge>Merge Visible.
Make this layer invisible and make the next layer in each group visible, right click on your visible background layer, Merge>Merge Visible make this layer invisible and continue to repeat these steps until you have all of your layers merged. View>All and save as a .psd or .psp (animation shop)…I always save as a .psd
If you are saving as a WWO, you know what to do…if you don’t, refer back to one of my earlier tuts
Animation Shop 3
Open your image in AS3, Select>All (Ctrl+A), Frame Properties (Alt+Enter) and change the value to 13, hit Enter on the keyboard.
Resize (Shift+S) to your liking and Optimize (Shift+Z)
And there you have it:)
I would love to see your version or results of my tut and would like to add them to my blog. Feel free to email them to me; just make sure that you put “tut results” or something to that effect, in the subject or I will delete it without opening it
©X's & O's Dzynz and Tutorials
This Tutorial was written in October, 2011 by me, MsGoddess2U, and the concept of the tutorial is copyrighted.
See my TOU for further details
See my TOU for further details
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